Roof Projects
Roof maintenance
Replacement and repair
New roof building
Roof maintenance
A leaky roof can drive a person mad. So can a whistling roof as the wind finds its way into gaps. Or a roof that blows in dust and sand. Save your sanity by ensuring your roof is properly maintained – our experienced team can fix any roof issues you might have.
Replacement and repairs
If it’s time to replace or repair your roof, there’s one thing you’ll want to know: that the job is being done thoroughly. Yes, it’s important to take out all the parts of your roof that need replacing, but it’s just as important not to be too quick to take out parts that could be reused. Our experienced team will ensure that all that can be salvaged of your roof is reused, while replacing or repairing the rest of it.
New roof building
What could be more exciting than a new roof for your property? Well, maybe a holiday… But a new roof will give your whole house a facelift. And you’ll be able to sleep easier, knowing that you have a safe, secure roof over your head. Let Cape Masters quote you on your new roof and get great results.